The build process will take a bit of time (~40-90 minutes), so go grab another drink or hit the restroom from your last one.
Click the Choose button and select the USB drive which contains the files you just copied (the exFat partition).
If you’ve not already done so, download the AddOnX Tool from here.Now that your USB stick has been prepared with the needed files, you’ll run the AddOnX tool against USB drive. See the next section, Run the AddOnX tool.At this point, you’re done with this step and may close out of any open explorer windows. You may delete or back up the source files from \CoinOpsX which was used to prepare the USB drive, if you wish. Add items inside to cox-custom folder_New Cab Art 4_20_21\New Cab Art → go to \cox\custom.Add items inside to cox-custom folder Updated Cabs Arts 4_20_21 → go to \cox\custom.Then copy them to the associated location on your USB drive. For the files that begin with “Add items inside…”, first extract those archives using 7-zip.Replace these items in cox-video folder → go to \cox\ video.
Replace these items in cox-marquee folder → go to \cox\marquee. Replace these items in cox-logo folder → go to \cox\logo. For the files that begin with “Replace these items…”, copy the contents of those folders over the files on your USB drive. Now on the Format Partition dialog, select FAT32 for the File system. Then click Next (no need to change anything on the Assign Drive Letter or Path dialog). This partition will be used for running applications such as: CoinOpsX, PixelcadeX, Pinball Tables, etc. However, if you’re using a 128GB USB stick, to go with 16GB (16384). I created a 32GB partition for use with a 256GB USB stick (32768). For the Simple volume size in MB, enter 16384 (to create a 16GB partition) or 32768 (to create a 32GB partition). Right-click in the Unallocated section of the USB drive and select New Simple Volume…. The first will be for Flash Drive X, the other for the CoinOpsX (the games). Next, we’ll create two separate partitions on this drive (see NOTE above, only one exFat partition is needed for more recent devices). The reason, these machines already have flash storage and the Flash Drive X application isn’t necessary. That is, skip the FAT32 partition creation mentioned below and only create a single exFat partition for those machines. If you are not sure what version device you have, see here to identify the UUID (device id) of your machine. *NOTE: If you will be using a Legends Pinball 1.1, Legends Ultimate 1.2, Legends Ultimate Mini 1.1, Legends Pinball Micro 1.0 or Legends Core Max, you only need a single partition created for CoinOpsX. Right-Click on the Removable USB stick and select Delete Volume… to extract, so go ahead and begin the unzipping! Right click the largest of the files, CoinopsX Arcade Version 5 is Alive Saucey Edition.zip, using 7-zip and select Extract Here. Add items inside to cox-custom folder Updated Cabs Arts 4_20_21.zip. Add items inside to cox-custom folder_New Cab Art 4_20_21.zip. CoinopsX Arcade Version 5 is Alive Saucey Edition.zip. ATGAMES LEGENDS PINBALL FIRMWARE UPDATE PC
Download & copy the following files to a subdirectory on your PC ( Example: \CoinOpsX ).The following will assist you with the steps for setting up CoinOpsX Arcade Version 5 to a USB drive : AtGames Legends Ultimate Product Page – Product information for the AtGames Legends Ultimate.AtGames Legends Pinball Product Page – Product information for the AtGames Legends Pinball.Check out his channel for more great content! PDubs Arcade Loft (YouTube channel) – This guide is based entirely on PDubs video (above).Fans Of SaUCE Subreddit – Subreddit for discussing CoinOpsX and related information.
Download and Install 7-zip – You can use this free application to unzip the archives, if needed.